Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The world knows me as Frankenstein.
Actually, that is my father's name. I just go along with it.
My father created me in this castle. There was a wonderful thunderstorm that night.
I was created out of many different body parts, and I have the scars to prove it.
My father was so happy when I first came alive. I haven't seen him that happy since.   
My father tried very hard to teach me table manners. And he did a pretty good job.
Those manners came in handy after I met this girl. 
Her hair is so beautiful. And look at those....cheekbones.
Frankenstein Bride
I won her over by playing her a song. That was the night that I told her I loved her.
People said we moved too fast. But what can I say? When you know it's right, it's right.
Not long after the wedding, these two came along. I don't want to brag, but Little Frankie is the cutest. He looks just like his dad.
Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein - cute homemade Halloween costume!
The village people did not feel the same way toward my family. They burned our house down.
My family and I barely escaped. We will remain in hiding until people become more accepting of us and it is safe to return.
Dr. Frankenstein created a monster out of random body parts pieced together. He then used electricity to make the monster come alive. Through pop culture, the monster's name became Frankenstein. Frankenstein, "the monster," has always been known as a bad figure, and he has even been compared to the Devil. On the other hand, I do not think he is a monster at all. I think Frankenstein is just misunderstood, and will do whatever he needs to do in order to survive. Even after his house is burned down, Frankenstein would rather remain in hiding than take revenge on those that have hurt him. I have one question: Why did Dr. Frankenstein decide to make his monster in the first place?